Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Recalled by Cambria Hebert ARC Review

Okay, I think I may possibly have had time to get my thoughts together on this one. First off I just have to say again how amazing the cover is ! I automatically wanted to read this book without even knowing the description just by looking at the cover. It's beautiful and it draws you in. I could honestly stare at it all day ! The main thing I love about Cambria Hebert's books is the different, unique way she presents them. Recalled was new,exciting and an all around emotional tidal wave. I was sucked in from the very first line.Immediately I fell in love with Dex and Piper's characters especially Dex of course. Dex's life hasn't been easy and even after Death he's faced with life changing and challenging situations. Piper just wants to understand Dex. When thrown in each other's path they are forced to look at life,love and choices in a whole new way. Recalled was wonderful and kept me up until ungodly hours of the morning with the urge to finish it. I didn't want move off my couch and as badly as I want to GUSH about everything I loved about this book I'm afraid I can't without giving too much away. My suggestion is the second it hits the shelves GET YOUR COPY ! You will not regret it. Another plus is Death Escorts will be a series but each book will be it's on. So no worries about missing a book and not knowing what's going on! * Great Job once again Cambria ! I'm sure the next installment will be just as wonderful and look forward to seeing the cover art and getting my hands on a copy ! LOVE OR DEATH ?

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